Team Core

Process & Registration

The process to apply for Auto Expo 2025 (Bharat Mobility Expo 2025).

Follow the steps as mentioned, we recommend allowing yourself 10 minutes to complete the online Registration for Bharat Mobility Expo 2025

  1. Read properly about the auto expo (Bharat Mobility Expo 2025) requirements, aspects for selection and dates.
  2. Fill out the online Auto Expo registration form.
  3. Follow the mail, which you’ll get after your successful registration for Auto Expo 2025.
  4. Fix your date & time for auto expo job auditions & visit our office for the same.
  5. Based on your auditions & your profile evaluation, you will be required to sign the Agreement with TeamCore, if your profile is selected by us.
  6. Important part-Make a basic portfolio or click a good quality solo picture & share with us your best 6 to 8 photographs (Not selfies & screenshots) with your full name, mobile number, Whatsapp number, alternate number, height, vitals, education details, work experience (if any), valid Govt Id Proof and full address on  (your good quality pictures will play a major role for the 2nd round of selection). 
  7.  As per the selection criteria & the process, you have to be present in your best look with confidence. Also, you have to prepare yourself in advance for the interview, for which we will help & train you.
  8. After the first round of auditions/interviews and selection, you’ll be called for another round of interviews with our client and then with automobile brands from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 4 rounds of personal interviews.
  9. Once you are selected by the client/brand, we’ll need your Govt.ID proof & your passport-size photograph. Also, you will need to be available for all the required dates come apart from the event dates for attire measurements, trials, training, and rehearsals & all these visits are compulsory.
  10. You’ll be notified of the accommodation venue, check-in and check-out dates, and other important information.
  11. You’ll be informed about our everyday agenda & you need to be punctual, proactive & follow the dedicated supervisor’s instructions for better coordination & performance.
  12.  Share this AUTO EXPO 2025 (Bharat Mobility Expo 2025) opportunity & registration process with your friends & help them to take advantage by simply clicking the below link


Registration Form

This Registration Form is “TeamCore Registered Member” Exclusive Only.

To Access this Registration form, please click on the “Join Now” button below and Join 3 Year Free “TeamCore Membership”. Once your registration is complete, you will be granted access to this “Registration Form” and all other Registration Forms on the webstie.

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Date Of Birth

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